“Dealing with architectures is to deal with body and skin. Dealing with cities, too. Dealing with objects is dealing with entities with which we co-inhabit houses and cities; roughly fixed entities which are there to serve us, to lessen our solitude, to fertilize our dreams and nightmares.

“‘Studies, sketches and poetic essays on architecture and related fields’ is, therefore, an exhibition focused on key issues. Therefore the key word of its title is poetics. The works contemplate the constant meetings and intersections between art and architecture, an intersection that can be called poetic zone.”

Curated by Agnaldo Farias, ‘Studies…’ will be on show at Carbono Gallery with artists and architects Angelo Bucci, Candida Hofer, Carla Café, Daniel Senise, Guto Lacaz, José Rufino, Regina Silveira and Carlos Teixeira (Vazio S/A), among others.

February 4 at 7 PM; exhibition is open until March 15.

Everyone is invited!

Above: Carlos Teixeira, Hypostyle Hall

Studies, sketches and poetic essays on architecture and related fields

Carbono Galeria: R. Joaquim Antunes 59, Jardim Paulistano, São Paulo, carbonogaleria.com.br